Parish Groups
There are many groups, programmes and individual volunteers in the Parish. Although they carry out many different activities, all of them are ultimately directed to further the mission of the Parish. Each group is listed under the area of Parish life with which it is most closely associated. Until all contact details are up to date, please enquire about groups via the parish office.
GROUPS: To provide updated contact details, please email the parish office
- Liturgy & Prayer Group
- Music Groups
- Art Groups
- Family Mass Group Readers
- Special Ministers of Holy Communion
- Welcomers
- Flower Arrangers
- Altar Servers (to enquire about becoming an altar server, please speak to one of the senior altar servers after Mass)
- Church Cleaners
- Children's Liturgy of the Word
- Liturgy of the Word for Babies and Toddlers
- Collectors and Ushers
- Adult Journey in Faith (R.C.I.A.) - Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
- Baptism Preparation Group
- Reconciliation and Eucharist for Children
- Confirmation Preparation
- Marriage Preparation
- Other Adult Education Programmes
- Youth Groups (see Youth page)
- Justice and Peace Group
- ACTS Credit Union
- Churches Together in Sydenham and Forest Hill
- Counting Everyone In
- Stewardship - Finance Committee
- Christmas Raffle Group
- South London Citizens Organisation Contact Gloria Wyse
- Catholic Womens League Contact Linda Vallarino
Catholic Women's League
The Catholic Women's League, Forest Hill Section, has opened here at our Church! If you know anything about the CWL it is a source of friendship, support and charity for the parish and wider community. Please consider joining if you are a woman! Contact: Chair for more info...web:
- Pastoral Care Group
- Union of Catholic Mothers
- Knights of St. Columba
- Being Alongside
- Association of Separated & Divorced Catholics (ASDC)
- Parent and Toddler Group
- Ascent Group
- SWOY SVP Conference