stwoy_logoThe Jack Pledger WindowSt. William of York ChurchArchdiocese of Southwark

Welcome to St. William of York Catholic Parish

Whether you are an old hand or a newcomer to the parish, we hope you will find this website informative and useful. This Parish belongs to the Archdiocese of Southwark. We are one of ten parishes in the Deanery of Lewisham. There are details about our Patron Saint and the history of our Parish and Church on this website. Please register as a member of our parish (digitally or on paper, available here in Word or PDF format).


Help our parish raise money through Dona and register for Gift Aid.

Donating through Dona is simple, fast and totally secure.

We appreciate your ongoing support of our parish community

Thank you


The name of our bank account has changed to RCAS FOREST HILL and the diocese has produced a combined standing order form/gift aid declaration to reflect this change.

You can download a copy of the form HERE and copies are also available in the Narthex.

Please email your completed form to the parish office: or drop your completed form through the presbytery door.

If you have previously set up a standing order you do not need to complete a new form.

Please use the new account name when writing cheques: RCAS FOREST HILL

Bank: NatWest Bank

Sort Code: 60-50-01

Account number: 79124437

Account name: RCAS FOREST HILL

Reference: Your surname/Gift Aid no


Booking system and signing in:We will no longer use either of these systems. Please come in good time to avoid congestion if everyone arrives at once. Sanitise your hands as you arrive.

Seating: We will bring more chairs back into the church, to make sure there is room for everyone. If you would like to have more space beside you, take a “please do not sit here” card as you arrive and place it on the seat beside you.

Stewards: stewards will welcome you and help you find a seat if the church is very busy. They will also invite people to go to communion a row at a time. Please wait until you are invited in order to avoid congestion. At the end of Mass, leave as suits you, without waiting for the stewards to direct you. Use all 3 of the doors from the narthex.

Readers: there’s no need to sanitise your hands before of after you read


Holy water: is back! The water will be replaced once a week.

The offertory procession: is back! Please say yes if the stewards ask if you are willing to take forward the gifts.

Café York: is coming back from 27th February!

Things that will stay the same for now. We will review all these items again soon, once we are sure that numbers are consistently falling locally:

Masks: Please continue to wear a mask unless you are exempt.

Communion: Arrangements for communion will continue, with ministers at the back of the church and upstairs as well as on the sanctuary. Ministers will continue to sanitise their hands before distributing communion.

Sign of peace: Please greet each other with a bow / smile / greeting at the sign of peace

Live streaming: will continue once a month on the first Sunday at 11.30am, and every Wednesday at 9.15am.

If you are unwell or have tested positive: Please stay at home, in order to keep others safe.

Testing: if you have access to Lateral Flow tests, consider testing before you come to Mass.

Vaccinations and booster: have you had yours yet? The Bishops’ guidance is clear that the church supports the vaccination programme and encourages us all to be vaccinated.

With every blessing,

Fr Habte


I appeal to your generosity and kindness and if your financial circumstances allow to please donate Supermarket food vouchers or cash and post in an envelope through the presbytery door at 4 Brockley Park earmarked "SWOY Families in need Crisis Fund".

If you are currently donating to the parish via a standing order you may wish to consider increasing the amount donated to assist with the "SWOY Families in need Crisis Fund".

If you are unable to leave the house and are able to donate funds to help our "Crisis Fund", via a bank transfer, Our parish bank details are as follows:

    Bank: NatWest Bank

    Sort Code: 60-50-01

    Account number: 79124437

    Account name: RCAS FOREST HILL

    Reference: Your surname/Gift Aid no

It would be helpful if you could please send an email to Mary at to notify your donation and gift aid number and Mary will ensure we receive tax relief.

1. Food items can also be left in the box at the back of the church for our parish families in need, food banks are in great need of donations at this time.

2. We are coordinating a telephone ministry to those in need of such contact and to arrange necessary practical assistance. If you know of anyone who may require such assistance, please contact us via email ( or telephone (020 8690 4549).

3. Please also contact Mary via telephone or email if you wish to volunteer to help parishioners by shopping, collecting prescriptions, doing errands etc.

Fr Habte


Due to rules and regulations regarding privacy in hospitals it is important to remember that if you or a relative are admitted to hospital it is your responsibility to let the staff know that you or they are a Catholic and would welcome a visit from the Catholic chaplain. It would also be helpful to let the Parish office know so that the Clergy and Parishioners can remember you and your relatives in their prayers.

Moved recently?

Please let the parish office know if you have moved and give your new contact details.